Seeded onion bread

bread, yeast, baking, food, foodie, homecook, Surrey, recipe, gbbo, bake off, bakeoff, Guildford, teacher, homecook, besthomecook, homemade, comfort, comfort food

Simple, delicious bread that is just begging to be toasted and spread liberally – very liberally! – with butter.

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I normally use fresh onions when I make an onion-flavoured bread, either cooking them very slowly until soft or caramelising them. This time, however, I used onion powder and dried onion granules as they were lurking with intent in the cupboard. The result is still a delicious bread with a lovely oniony kick.

I made two small loaves from this, splitting the dough to go into two small – 18cm diameter – bannetons. However, you can use the dough to make one large loaf in a larger banneton or many rolls (in which case, use about 50g dough per roll). For an even better crust, you can bake in a Dutch oven.

Recipe: seeded onion bread – makes 2 small loaves or 1 large loaf

  • 300g strong plain bread flour
  • 100g strong wholemeal flour
  • 2 teaspoons instant dried yeast
  • 80g mixed seeds (sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, flax….)
  • 2 teaspoons black onion seeds
  • 10g salt
  • 2 tablespoons onion powder
  • 2 tablespoons dried onion granules
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 270ml cold water

(1) Add the ingredients to the bowl of a food mixer with the dough hook attached and bring together to form a rough dough. Add a little more water if the dough has not come together and still has floury bits.

(2) Knead on the medium setting for 20 minutes and cover the bowl with a damp tea towel.

(3) Leave the dough for an hour or two, depending on the room temperature, until about doubled in side.

(4) Split the dough into two equal pieces and knead each for a minute or two on a lightly floured surface.

(5) Pop into small bannetons or loaf tins before covering and leaving until only slightly doming over the top.


NB: if you prefer you can pop the dough in the fridge, where it will rise very slowly and, in turn, give a better flavour.

(6) While the dough is proving in the bannetons, preheat the oven to 220C (fan) and place a solid baking tray (or griddle pan) on a higher shelf.

(7) Turn the dough onto the hot tray, make a slash or two across the top with a sharp knife or razor and bake for about 30 minutes.


Author: Philip

Finalist on Britain’s Best Home Cook (BBC Television 2018). Published recipe writer with a love of growing fruit & veg, cooking, teaching and eating good food.

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